Our Focus Areas



Mission drift isn't a trendy statement and it's not an urban myth. It's the long-term process of one concession leading to another, of good crowding out great, of yielding your focus inch by inch, one small decision after another. Over time, it leads to an organization on fire, and not the kind of fire that changes the world.

As an organization you have a mission, it’s something Jesus was very clear about. Jesus, the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Alpha and Omega, didn’t mince words on what we’re supposed to be all about. Mission drift is a symptom of getting caught up in the details, and misalignment across teams and leadership.

The AEI team will take you and your key leaders through a vision storming process that will help you gain clarity, and then realign your staff, board, (and if you are a church, your Elders and congregation) around a mission and vision that honors God and His clear directives for your work.

Focus Leader: John Gibson

For a church, the decision to go global and regional doesn’t always mean mission trips or multi-site ministries. The modern church has an option that is without a doubt amazing. No longer do you need to be a huge church or have a tv show to share the message of Jesus beyond the four walls of your church. This opportunity is incredible, but do you have a plan?

Simply hosting your service on Facebook Live, YouTube or your own online platform is not a strategy. These tools are incredible, but in the end they are just tools. There is a strategic way to reach people and effectively be the church online. Your AEI team can lead  you through how to build an audience and assimilate new members, experience growth not attrition, and build a thriving giving culture online. It's possible to see 50% attendance growth online year over year, 100% growth in giving online year over year and thousands of lives changed.

If you are a church with an online platform but have not seen tangible results, or if you are church with an amazing vision but lack the online experience, AEI can lead you though a process that will build a strategy with an impact that you can be excited about!

Focus Leader: John Gibson


Multi-Site Strategy and Implementation

Change happens. Whether it’s through multiplying, merging, planting, splitting or launching, no dynamic organization ever sits still. And when change happens, it’s a big commitment of time and resources. And let’s face it, it can be intimidating. Whether the pressure comes from the financial responsibility, pressure from the board, the possibility of failure or the fact that it's new and uncharted territory for you and your ministry, it can be hard to know where to start when launching something new.

If you are fortunate to have someone on your team who has done it all before, that’s great! But what if this is uncharted territory for you or your staff, or just too big to handle alone? That’s where AEI comes in. Moved venues? Check, we’ve done that. Launched a new location? We’ve got you covered. The AEI team will build a process that fits your specific needs, character and personality as a ministry. We’ll help you make a plan that will take you through vision casting, ordering, budgeting and getting launched...on time and within budget. We want you to be confident that when you launch, you’ll be ready.

Focus Leader: Chad sloan

Local Outreach & Global Missions Strategy

Jesus is for people. His mission was, and is, focused on people. How you serve and reach people is the difference maker.

If you are church, you know that you church may rally on the weekend, but ministry happens daily. Serving your church family is a priority, but our directive extends to the poor, the widowed and the orphaned. How you serve the "least of these" defines who you are and who you represent as a church. People in your church want to know that their church cares, and that it is making a difference in the lives of people locally and globally. They want to know that they are part of a church that is impacting their city and the world. Are you painting in the lines set by Jesus or creating a whole new picture to paint?

The AEI Team will help you find operational clarity around local partnerships and global missions strategy. We’ll work with you on a structure and process that will realign your ministry to the heart of Jesus. We’ll give you real tools for building bridges to partner with local schools, non-profits, global receiving churches, child sponsorships organizations and even help you with partnering with Christ-centered churches abroad. We were created to reach people and to be a lighthouse in a community that serves others. We can’t wait to help you shine your light brightly.

Focus Leaders: Alicia GibsoN

Executive Operations Clarity & Development

Ministry is constantly changing, and so are the processes that keep your mission in focus and your vision clear.  Operations and process development is key in keeping the ball moving down the field. Many organizations have great intentions of keeping true to their mission, but face major challenges in developing and holding to a process that keeps them focused. Prioritizing action is a challenge that churches often face.

The AEI Team will work with you to hone in on priorities, and to develop processes that keep those priorities front and center. Executive management is a learned skill set, so together we’ll build processes that support mission clarity and empower your staff as they champion operations and project management.

Focus Leader: John Gibson

Communications Strategy

No matter if you're kicking off a big initiative, trying to realign your staff around new priorities, or just trying to let people know when the next big event is, effective communication is key.

As a ministry you're in this for a reason, and a church you have one mission. Seems simple enough to talk about, right!? The truth is that it's far too easy to get "stuck in the weeds" when it comes to communicating what matters.

The AEI team will come alongside you to craft messages that are clear, compelling and action-oriented. Our focus is on getting clarity on what's important, making a plan for implementing and overcoming the sticking points that can hold you back. We're all about helping bring clarity to complex ideas and stripping away the noise so that your ministry can focus on, and communicate, what's most important.

Focus Leader: Brooklyn madding

Our Other Areas of Expertise

  • Employee Hubs

  • Forward Facing Recruitment

  • Creative Development

  • Culture of Generosity

  • Online Campus Platforms

  • Church Benefits Packaging

  • Financial Analysis, Trends and Forecasting

  • Church Metrics Dashboards

  • Enterprise Platforms

  • Graphic Design